Many indigenous cultures teach that we have a Celestial and an Earth Soul that holds, just like Mother Earth herself, the sacred feminine wisdom and knowing of life on this earth, of its cycles and seasons, its life giving, life sustaining and life nurturing forces, as well as the unique essence qualities of our individual Earth Being.
Join us for a heart-filled evening as we invite you to tend to feminine aspects of your wild Earth Soul. We will journey to her with the intent of exploring these aspects and honour, strengthen and nourish them. We will tune into their wisdom. We will seek her guidance for our journey for the year, so that we can live a life more connected to our Earth Soul and contribute to creating a world for the thriving of all of Life.
The workshop is interactive. It will include a guided journey, some movement and time to share and discuss our experiences with a group of women.
This event is offered by Women Weaving Change – Modern Medicine Woman Training School – within the framework of ‘7 Days of Rest’.
Get your free ticket before the event.
Book Your Ticket
If you cannot be with us during the live event, you will receive access to a recording.